Camellia japonica cv. HakuronishikiCamellia japonica cv. seville square ポスト Camellia garden varietyFlower nameCamellia japonica cv. HakuronishikiScientific nameCamellia japonica cv. seville squareAliasSeville Square, シビル・スクェア, 椿Place of origingarden cultiva/JapanPlace of floweringBotanical GardensFlowering seasonJanuary, February, December What is Camellia japonica cv. HakuronishikiCamellia Seville Square, Scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Seville Square, is a camellia gardening variety. Common name: Camellia Seville Square, Scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Seville Square, camellia gardening variety, flower color: deep red color, flower type: peony ·candy blooming, flat opening, large wheels ~ gigantic ring (flower diameter: cm) Flowering period: December to February.OrderEricalesFamilyTheaceaeGenusCamelliaSpeciesC. japonicaType of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerMonopetal inflorescencePetal shapeRose-shapedLeaf typeInverted ovoidEdge of the leafSerratedLife typeEvergreen treeFlower colorsRedColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorHeight200.0 ~ 300.0 cmDiameter of flower3.0 ~ 15.0 cm Random flowersAeonium frutescensWasabiLarge-flowered CypripediumPyrus pyrifoliaArisaema ringensScopolia japonica