Aster tataricus
- Flower nameAster tataricus
- Scientific nameAster tataricus
- Aliasshion, Tatarian aster
- Place of originchina
- Place of flowering
- Flowering seasonJuly, August, September
What is Aster tataricus
Aster tataricus , Tatarian aster or shion (Scientific name: Aster tataricus) is native to China,and it is a perennial grass of the family Asteraceae. In Japan, it grows naturally in Mt. Aso in Kyushu. In autumn, extend inflorescence from the flower stem and attach a large number of head flowers to the shoot apex. Head flowers give a row of yellow lamellar flowers in the center and lilac petals in the periphery. The flower language is "I wont' forget you."
Generic name: Aster tataricus , Tatarian aster or shion, Scientific name: Aster tataricus, Origin: China, Distribution of habitat:habitat distribution: Mt. Aso in Kyushu in Japan, plant length: 100 to 180 m, root foliage shape: spatula elliptical, foliage shape: oval to long ellipse, stem length: 20 to 35 cm, leaf width: 5 to 10 cm, leaves: alternate, radial symmetric flower, inflorescence form: scattered inflorescence, corolla: head flower, inflorescence diameter: 3 to 3.5 cm, flowering period: July to September, tongue-shaped flower color: light blue Purple, tubular flower: yellow, fruit period: September to October, use: application for ornamental, herbal medicine, cooking material.