Castanopsis sieboldii

Castanopsis sieboldii

  • Castanopsis sieboldii
  • Castanopsis sieboldii
  • Castanopsis sieboldii
  • Castanopsis sieboldii
  • Castanopsis sieboldii
  • Castanopsis sieboldii
  • Flower name
    Castanopsis sieboldii
  • Scientific name
    Castanopsis sieboldii
  • Aliasシイ, スタジイ
  • Place of originNiigata Prefecture, West Japan and Korean peninsula
  • Place of floweringGarden, Park, Streets, Planting
  • Flowering seasonMay, June

What is Castanopsis sieboldii

Castanopsis sieboldii is an evergreen broadleaf trees of the family Fagaceae native to Niigata Prefecture, West Japan and Korean peninsula . Also called alias in castanopsis trees, along with the tree tab, 2 large evergreen broad-leaved trees in Japan. Mature stem and dark brown, the bark contains the fine cut vertically. Front leaf in green growing hair and leaves behind the shiny pale brown looks.Stretch flower spikes in early summer, many yellow florets.

Common name: Castanopsis sieboldii ,scientific name:Castanopsis sieboldii, origin: Niigata Prefecture, West Japan-Korea, environment: humid tropical, living type: Evergreen broad-leaved trees, height: 20 m, diameter:1.5 m, stem color: Black Brown, bark: vertical fine cuts (tree), leaves: thick gloss of, leaf color: green (hospitality), light brown (back), leaf: wide oval tip thin be pointed, leaf arrangement: alternate, Leaf margin: on half a sharp serrated and not others (all edges), petiole length: 1 cm, flowering time: May-June, flower shape: yellow, spikes, small flower, fruiting period: year fall, fruit shape: elongated nut (Acorn), breeding: entomophilous, applications: tree Park trees, trees, trees, bark dye, fruit is edible, of wood for charcoal and shiitake mushrooms would. Service life: long

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    C. sieboldii
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Spikelet inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeEvergreen broadleaf tree
  • Flower colorsWhite
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height2000.0 ~ 2000.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower0.2 ~ 0.3 cm

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