Cordyline Terminalis 'Katherine Ti'

Cordyline fruticosa cv. Katherine Ti

Big feather brush

  • Cordyline Terminalis 'Katherine Ti'
  • Cordyline Terminalis 'Katherine Ti'
  • Cordyline Terminalis 'Katherine Ti'
  • Cordyline Terminalis 'Katherine Ti'
  • Flower name
    Cordyline Terminalis 'Katherine Ti'
  • Scientific name
    Cordyline fruticosa cv. Katherine Ti
  • AliasCordyline, コルディリネ・テルミナリス, キャサリン・ティー, Katherine Ti
  • Place of originGarden variety (Horticultural)
  • Place of floweringGarden, Subtropical region
  • Flowering season

What is Cordyline Terminalis 'Katherine Ti'

Cordyline Terminalis 'Katherine Ti' (scientific name: Cordyline fruticosa cv. Katherine Ti) is an evergreen shrub (shrub) in the family Asparagaceae. The synonym is Cordyline terminalis 'Katherine Ti'. It is also known as "Katherine Ti' or simply "Ti. It is used as an ornamental plant because of its wide leaves and beautiful color variation. It produces long inflorescences of small, fragrant, yellow to red flowers. The flowers are followed by small, spherical fruits that ripen to red.

The original species, Cordyline Terminalis (scientific name: Cordyline fruticosa), is native to Malaysia.
The garden variety Aichiaka (scientific name: Cordyline fruticosa 'Aichiaka') is also native to Malaysia and is called sennenboku in Japanese.

In Hawaii, it is considered an auspicious plant with the power to ward off evil, and is planted around houses and used for thatching roofs. Like bamboo bark and bamboo grass leaves, it is also used to wrap food and as a steaming agent. As a costume, it is used as a waistcoat for hula dancers and as a welcome lei for tourists. Dried stalks about 8 cm long are sold as souvenirs from Hawaii. Young shoots will sprout after being soaked in water for a few days.

Meaning of scientific name
The genus name "Cordyline" is derived from the Latin word "kordyle," meaning stick, referring to the stick-shaped underground stem.
The species name "fruticosa" means "shrub-like" and the synonym "terminalis" means "apical".

Common name: Ti Tree, scientific name: Cordyline fruticosa 'Katherine Ti', synonym: Cordyline terminalis 'Katherine Ti', also known as sennenboku, Ti Tree, Cordyline terminalis 'Ti' ( Cordyline terminalis 'Ti', Place of origin: Horticultural species, Cordyline fruticosa is in Malaysia, Form: semi-cold hardy evergreen shrub; Leaf shape: broad oblong-ovate; Leaf length: 30-60 cm; Leaf width: 5-10 cm; Inflorescence: 10 or more leaflets at stem apex; Leaf color: green + red; Leaf shape: elliptic to lanceolate with pointed tip; Viewing season: Annual; Inflorescence shape: conical; Inflorescence length: 40-60 cm, Flower: fragrant, yellow, white, purple, red; Diameter: 1 cm; Number of petals: 6; Flowering season: November to March of the following year; In warm climates, it is annual; Fruit type: spherical; Fruit color: red; Use: cut leaves for cut flowers, potted plants, mixed plants, hydroponics; Propagation method: cuttings; Photo location: Hawaii Big Iand.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    C. Terminalis 'Katherine Ti'
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Cone / Compound inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeShrubs, foliage plants, color leaf
  • Flower colorsRed Yellow
  • Colors of the leavesGreen Other
  • Fruit colorRed
  • Height100.0 ~ 400.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower0.8 ~ 1.0 cm

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