Ladybird Poppy

Papaver commutatum

  • Ladybird Poppy
  • Ladybird Poppy
  • Ladybird Poppy
  • Ladybird Poppy
  • Ladybird Poppy
  • Ladybird Poppy
  • Ladybird Poppy
  • Ladybird Poppy
  • Ladybird Poppy
  • Ladybird Poppy
  • Ladybird Poppy
  • Ladybird Poppy
  • Flower name
    Ladybird Poppy
  • Scientific name
    Papaver commutatum
  • Aliasレディバード・ポピー, Ladybird Poppy, Flanders poppy, Pierrot, ピエロ, ケシ, 紋付雛罌粟, 雛罌粟
  • Place of origina horticultural variety native to the Caucasus and Asia Minor
  • Place of floweringGarden, Botanical Gardens, Park
  • Flowering seasonApril, May, June
  • Language of flowersThank

What is Ladybird Poppy

Ladybird Poppy, scientific name : Papaver commutatum , is a horticultural variety native to the Caucasus and Asia Minor and is an annual herb of the family Papaveraceae. In spring, the flower blooms as a deep red flower with black spots on its base. It is also known as Pierrot, because the floral pattern inverts the face of Pierrot. Two pieces of scaly fall at the same time as flowering. After flowering, fruits are produced, and a window-like hole is opened at the top, and fine seeds are spilled. Once herbaceous is wounded, it produces white latex.

General name: Ladybird Poppy , scientific name:Papaver commutatum , also known as: Papaver commutatum, Montsuki Hinageshi, Flanders poppy, Gardening name: Poppy clown, Piero (Pierrot), origin: Caucasus and Asia Minor , native to Asia minor,
Life style: Annual grass, Plant height: 40 - 70 cm , Leaf color: small black spots on green ground, leaf shape: winged deep fissure, phylogeny: alternate, radial symmetry flower, number of sepals: 2, number of petals: 4, flower diameter: 6 to 7 cm, flower color: red petal with black spots on base, Flowering stage: April to June, Stigma: Radial, ruit: capsule, Fruit color: brown, Fruit diameter: 0.07 cm, Remarks: Insect flower, Use: Ornamental.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    P. commutatum
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Monopetal inflorescence
  • Petal shape
    4 petals
  • Leaf type
    Feather shape
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeannual plant
  • Flower colorsRed Other
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height40.0 ~ 50.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower6.0 ~ 7.0 cm

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