Roza 'Winshoten’Roza 'Winshoten’ ポスト Flower nameRoza 'Winshoten’Scientific nameRoza 'Winshoten’Aliasバラ, 薔薇, ばら, ウィンショッテンPlace of originGarden varietyPlace of floweringGarden, Potted flowerFlowering seasonApril, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December What is Roza 'Winshoten’Roza 'Winshoten’ ,Scientific name: Roza 'Winshoten’ , is a shrub with the family Rosaceae. Common name: Roza 'Winshoten’, origin: Garden variety, flower color: red. Relationship between rose diameter and large, medium and small wheels Minimum 1 - 3 cm OrderRosalesFamilyRosaceaeGenusRosaSpeciesR. 'Winshoten’Type of flowerRadial symmetrical flowerArray of flowerCone / Compound inflorescencePetal shapeRose-shapedLeaf typeOdd pinnate compound leafEdge of the leafSerratedLife typesmall shrubFlower colorsRedColors of the leavesGreenFruit colorHeight100.0 ~ 100.0 cmDiameter of flower8.0 ~ 8.0 cm Random flowers Yakushima azaleaGypsophila muralis 'gipsy pink'Camellia 'Shiro hagoromo'Shirobana taitogomeButia capitataNicandra physalodes