Canada Flowers ポスト Canada FlowersAnise hyssopAnise hyssop, scientific name : Agastache foeniculum, is a hardy and heat-tolerant perennial of the family Lamiaceae native to North America and Canada. Leaves and flowers similar to the scent of anisQuercus palustrisQuercus palustris, or commonly called as pin oak , swamp oak、water oak、or swamp Spanish oak (Scientific name: Quercus palustris) is a deciduous broad-leaved tree of the genus Quercus, native to CanadaCanada mayflowerCanada mayflower (scientific name: Maianthemum canadense) is native to Canada and is a perennial of the family Asparagaceae. In summer, a white four-petal floret is attached to the general inflorescenSymphoricarpos albusSymphoricarpos albus, aka: common snowberry or Sekkoboku ( scientific name: Symphonicarpos albus) is native to Canada and is a deciduous shrub belonging to the family Caprifoliaceae. In summer, the i Other Featureshypericumhypericumoctober-yellow-flowerYellow Flowers in October There were 157 species of yellow flowers in bloom in September. As winter approaches, some flowers, such as Patrinia scabiosifolia, will finish blooming. The number of yeSpiraeaThe scientific name of the genus "Spiraea" means "spiral" in Latin. The spiral is related to the spiral shape of the leaves on the branches, which are arranged in a spiral so that they do not overlap.A fowerThis is a collection of flowers whose Japanese names begin with the letter "ア". Even if the name doesn't start with "ア", it includes the flowers whose alias starts with "ア". Succulent plant List of cacti and succulents They store water in their bodies and can survive (for a certain period of time) in harsh environments due to lack of water caused by deserts or poorly cared for growers. December Special: White FlowersDecember Special: White Flowers December is the Christmas season, so red and green flowers tend to stand out, but there are also quite a few white flowers. Notable examples include chrysanthemums,