Special features: Ixora ポスト Ixora genus-Ixora coccinea, Ixora chinensi, Ixora duffii Related pages Special features: IxoraIxora chinensisIxora chinensis or commony called as Chinese ixora (scientific name: Ixora chinensis) is a tropical evergreen shrub in the family Rubiaceae native to southern China to Malaysia. A red-orange colored cIxora duffiiIxora duffii (scientific name: Ixora duffii) is a tropical evergreen shrub of the Rubiaceae family, from Sumatra Island. The leaves are large and wide, glossy and rounded. A large number of cruciform Ixora coccineaIxora Coccinea (scientific name: Ixora coccinea) is a tropical evergreen shrub of Santonca genus of the Rubiaceae family in Indian origin. In Japanese name it is safflower suntanka (safflower mountainIxora macrothyrsaIxora macrothyrsa (scientific name; Ixora macrothyrsa) is an evergreen shrub native to Celebes Island and belonging to the family Rubiaceaee, genus Ixora. Since its introduction to Suriname from India Other FeaturesFlowers that were difficult to identifyFlowers that were difficult to identifySpecial Feature: Flower Names with "Food"Special Feature: Flower Names with "Food"February Silver LeavesFebruary Silver Leaves Plants with silver leaves found in February have been collected.It is not all-inclusive. These include Senecio cineraria, Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum, and Acacia baileyana. *RPoisonous plantsSpecial Feature Toxic Plants - Coriaria and an aconite, the water hemlock are considered to be Japanese three major poisonous plants. The deadly poison degree does not permit other following. There ar'Heidi's Flower Trail''Heidi's Flower Trail' Flowers blooming in the Swiss Alps 'Heidi's Flower Trail'―Alpine Aster(scientific name:Aster Alpinus), Edelweiss(Leontopodium alpinum), Yellow Aconite(Aconitum lycoctonum),Krlight-yellowish-fruitlight-yellowish Fruit Photo or Clipart List Here is a list of fruits by color from "Kagiken WEB: Fruits of trees and grasses" (Sorry, this is only available in Japanese). The fruits were collect