Nuphar subintegerrimum

Nuphar subintegerrimum

  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Flower name
    Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Scientific name
    Nuphar subintegerrimum
  • Alias姫河骨
  • Place of originJapan, Korea, Taiwan
  • Place of floweringRiver, pond
  • Flowering seasonMay, June, July, August, September, October

What is Nuphar subintegerrimum

Nuphar subintegerrimum or Hime Kohone (scientific name: Nuphar subintegerrimum) is a Japanese unique species and i> Water lily is a perennial aquatic plant of the family. A golden flower will bloom at the tip of an elongated flower stalk in a pond or shallow water. The flowers are composed of large calves (stamen) → large numbers of petals (stamens) → large slender petals → calyx which seems like five petals from the center toward the periphery. It is one size smaller than Kohone (Nuphar japonicum). In addition, while the leaves of Hime Kohone are in a circular shape and floating leaves, Kohone is a long oval leaf and it is aerial lobe.

Differences between Nuphar subintegerrimum(Himé-Kôhone) and Kôhone()
Both Himé-Kôhone (Nuphar subintegerrimum) and Kôhone (Nuphar japonicum) have similar heights, ranging from 10 to 40 cm. Himé-Kôhone, also known as "Dwarf Cow-lily," produces flowers that look like a smaller version of Kôhone's flowers, with a less deeply notched stigma disk in the center. The most noticeable difference is in the shape and position of their leaves. Himé-Kôhone has round, floating leaves, while Kôhone has long, elliptical aerial leaves.

"Floating leaves" are leaves that remain on the surface of the water, with roots anchored in the soil at the bottom."Aerial leaves" are leaves that rise above the water surface and open in the air.

Himé-Kôhone Kôhone 

Left: Himé-Kôhone's leaves are floating leaves that are round in shape. Right: Kôhone's leaves are aerial leaves that are long and elliptical.

Common name: Nuphar subintegerrimumor Hime Kohone, Scientific name: Nuphar subintegerrimum, Origin: Honshu · Kyushu · Okinawa's Japan, living environment: shallow swamp and pond, plant height: 10 to 40 cm, rhizome color: white, flowering period: May to October, flower color: yellow, flower size: 3 to 5 cm, use: For appreciation in ponds and aquarium, rhizomes to Chinese medicine.

Nuphar subintegerrimum 
Feature Medicinal Plants 

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    N. subintegerrimum
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Monopetal inflorescence
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeHardiness, heat tolerance, water grass
  • Flower colorsYellow
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height10.0 ~ 40.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower3.0 ~ 4.0 cm

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