Birthday bouquet from AKi ポスト Birthday bouquet from AKiEucalyptus populasEucalyptus populas (scientific name: Eucalyptus polyanthemos) is native to Australia. The leaf color is gray blue. It is also called “Malba Eucalyptus” because it has a round to heart-shaped leaf. UseRoseRose (scientific name:Roza×hybrids) is cold-resistant fallen leaves / evergreen shrub of the rosaceae family rosa genus . It is called itself the queen of the flower by the magnificence of the flowerRoseRose (scientific name:Roza×hybrids) is cold-resistant fallen leaves / evergreen shrub of the rosaceae family rosa genus . It is called itself the queen of the flower by the magnificence of the flowerSkimmia rubella (Scientific name: Skimmia japonica cv. rubella) is a cold-resistant evergreen shrub of the family Rutaceae of garden cultivar. From autumn to winter, the conical inflorescence is extenAstrantia majorAstrantia major, Astrantia , or Great masterwor (scientific name: Astrantia major) is a cold-resistant perennial herb belonging to the family Apiaceae , originated from central and eastern Europe. ThePanicum capillarePanicum capillare , witchgrass (Panicum capillare) is native to North America and is an annual plant of the family Poaceae. The stem is hollow and easy to break. Attach flower spikes to the stem tip aLeucadendronLeucadendron (Scientific name: Leucadendron) is native to South Africa and is an evergreen shrub of the genus Ryukha Dendron of Yamamoto Shrine. I will put an umbrella shaped flower (fruit) similar toCapsella bursa-pastorisShepherd's purse , scientific name:Capsella bursa-pastoris , is originally from Eastern Europe and Asia Minor and is a biennial plant of the Brassicaceae family. It grows wild in the temperate zone arCosmosCosmos, scientific name:Cosmos bipinnatus , is an annual non-cold-resistant grass of the Asteraceae genus , of the Asteraceae department native to Mexico. Bloom yellow tubular flowers rise a little in Elaeagnus angustifoliaElaeagnus angustifolia, commonly called Russian olive,(scientific name: Elaeagnus angustifolia) is native to Central Asia and East Asia, and is a deciduous small tree and fruit tree of the family Elae Other FeaturesPoppyPoppy is an annual to perennial herb in the poppy family. Poppies that do not contain opium include the Iceland poppy (Papaver nudicaule), Papaver rhoeas, and Papaver nudicaule. Poppies containing opiMalaysia FlowersMalaysia FlowersOctober Blue-colored Flowers【October Blue-colored Flowers】 While there were 38 species of blue flowers in September, the number has decreased to 23 species in October, but there are still some flowers that start blooming in OctFeature: August Green flowersSpecial Feature: Green Flowers of August While most flowers have green leaves and stems, green flowers themselves are quite rare. Here, we list 41 species of green flowers that bloom in August (as ofFlower shop flowers1The book feature "Florist's Flowers" in Kagiken Hana Zukan (Flower Guide) is useful for finding out the names of flowers sold at florist shops, cut flowers, and flowers of the season. Flower shop floAutumn yellow flowersAutumn yellow flowers Yellow flowers are also abundant in autumn, although they are less abundant than those blooming in spring. Here yellow flowers are collected that bloom from September to Novembe