Crinm jagus

Crinum jagus dandy

  • Crinm jagus
  • Crinm jagus
  • Flower name
    Crinm jagus
  • Scientific name
    Crinum jagus dandy
  • AliasCrinum
  • Place of originGuinea
  • Place of floweringGreenhouse, Subtropical region
  • Flowering seasonJune, July, August

What is Crinm jagus

Crinm jagus or St. Christopher lily, scientific name:crinm jagus, is an evergreen perennial (bulbous plants) in the Amaryllidaceae family, native to Guinea. In summer, long flower stalks emerge from between the sword-shaped leaves, and at the tips of these stalks, large white flowers similar to those of Crinum asiaticum grow in umbels inflorescences and bloom.

●Illustrations of Similar Crinum

Hama-yuu Family 1
From left to right, African Crinum (Crinum bulbispermum), Hama-yuu (Crinum asiaticum),Spider Lily (Hymenocallis caribaea)

●Comparison Illustration of Crinum

Hama-yuu Family 1
From left to right, illustrations of African Crinum (Crinum bulbispermum), Indian Crinum (Crinum latifolium).

■Similar Crinum

1) Flowers that produce white blooms, from the same family but different genera (Amaryllidaceae, Crinum genus)
Hama-yuu (Crinum asiaticum)
African Crinum (Crinum bulbispermum)
Indian Crinum (Crinum latifolium)
Crinum jagus (Crinum jagus)

2) Flowers that produce white blooms, from the same family but different genera (Amaryllidaceae, Hymenocallis genus)
Spider Lily (Hymenocallis caribaea)

Common name: Crinm jagus or St. Christopher lily, Scientific name: crinum jagus, Habitat: Guinea, height: 60-90 cm, Leaf length: 70 cm, leaf width: 10 cm, leaf shape: Sword-shaped, flower-shaped umbels, flower diameter: 6 cm, flowering colour: white flower June-August, note: poisonous plants.

  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species
    C. jagus
  • Type of flower
    Radial symmetrical flower
  • Array of flower
    Scattered inflorescence/ umbrella shape
  • Petal shape
  • Leaf type
  • Edge of the leaf
  • Life typeEvergreen perennial
  • Flower colorsWhite
  • Colors of the leavesGreen
  • Fruit color
  • Height60.0 ~ 90.0 cm
  • Diameter of flower6.0 ~ 6.0 cm

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