shape ポスト shape-These are flowers with shape names such as triangle, square, and circle (round) attached to their Japanese names.Anemone hepaticaAnemone hepatica (scientific name: Anemone hepatica var. Japonica f. Japonica, or Hepatica nobilis) is an endemic variety of Japan, and is a cold-tolerant evergreen perennial herb in the family RanuncWinged beanThe winged bean (scientific name: Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) is native to Southeast Asia such as Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia, and is a vine annual of the family Fabaceae. In Japan, it is culti Rhaphiolepis umbellataRhaphiolepis umbellata or Sharimbai (scientific name: Rhaphiolepis indica var. umbellata) is native to Japan and is an evergreen shrub of the Rosaceae family. Twigs appear in a ring shape and the leavPeruvian applePeruvian apple , Kimenkaku, Hedge cactus. Peru cereus, or Cereus peruvianus, (scientific name: Cereus peruvianus), is a large pillar cactus and half-hardy and evergreen perennials native to Brazil andHylocereus undatusHylocereus undatus, commonly calledwhite dragon, is tropical evergreen perennial plant of the hylocereusvgenus. The flower resembles (Epiphyllum oxypetalum and flowers in the autumn night from the sumPinus parvifloraPinus parviflora ,Japanese white pine, or Goyo matsu( scientific name: Pinus parviflora) , is a species of the family Pinaceae native to Japan. So have long, heat-resistance, cold-resistant and can wiPinus armandiiPinus armandii, Armand pine, Chinese white pine or Takane goyo (scientific name: Pinus armandii) is an evergreen coniferous tree of the family Pinaceae, native to Taiwan and China. It grows naturally Hepatica nobilis var.japonica form.magnaHepatica nobilis var.japonica form.magna(scientific name is same) is a hardy perennial of the Ranunculaceae native to Japan Sea side in endemic to Japan. In a variant of the Anemone hepatica Anemone hWheel cactusWheel cactus, scientific name:Opuntia robusta , is a herbaceous and shrub of the Department Cactaceae, of Opuntia Cactus perennial native to West Indies. No, because the Cactus leaf has degenerated. C BunchomaruBunchomaru or Ferocactus histrix (scientific name: Ferocactus histrix) is a perennial plant belonging to the family Cactaceae, which is native to central Mexico. It grows naturally in alpine. childrenParodia SubmammulosaParodia Submammulosa, Tom Thumb, Lemon Ball or Shishioh maru (scientific name: Parodia mammulosa ssp. Submammulosa) is a native from the Uruguay and Argentineand is a cuctus in the family Cactaceae. IEchinopsis eyriesiiEchinopsis eyriesii or Tangemaru (scientific name: Echinopsis eyriesii) is native to southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina, and is a hermit of the family Caryophyllales. In the place of origin, it grPinus armandiiPinus armandii, Armand pine, Chinese white pine or Takane goyo (scientific name: Pinus armandii) is an evergreen coniferous tree of the family Pinaceae, native to Taiwan and China. It grows naturally Echinopsis OxygonaEchinopsis Oxygona(syn.: Echinopsis multiplex) Common name: Echinopsis multiplex、scientific name: Echinopsis multiplex, Synonyms: Echinopsis multiplexIpomoea pes-capraeIpomoea pes-caprae (Scientific Name: Ipomoea pes-caprae) is a vining perennial in the family Convolvulaceae native to Tropical regions around the world. It is a seaside plant that expands its power lBarringtonia asiaticaBarringtonia asiatica or Goobannoashi (Scientific Name: Barringtonia asiatica) is an evergreen middle tall tree of the family Lecythidaceae originating from Japan , or the Indian and Malay Peninsula i Other FeaturesDecember Special: White FlowersDecember Special: White Flowers December is the Christmas season, so red and green flowers tend to stand out, but there are also quite a few white flowers. Notable examples include chrysanthemums,Flowers of New CaledoniaNew Caledonia flowers are a treasure trove of rare flowers with many endemic species. Xanthostemon aurantiacus 'red & yellow', Reindeer lichen, Amyema scandens etc.November Pink-colored FlowersNovember Pink-colored Flowers There are pink flowers that bloom in November. Of the 143 flowers collected this time, 17 were from the Asteraceae family, 17 from the Rosaceae family, and 14 from theSpecial Feature: Plants with Mammal NamesSpecial Feature: Plants with Mammal Names in Their Flower Names Mammals include humans, dogs, cats, dolphins, bats, and more. We've gathered plants whose names include mammal names in their flower PoppyPoppy is an annual to perennial herb in the poppy family. Poppies that do not contain opium include the Iceland poppy (Papaver nudicaule), Papaver rhoeas, and Papaver nudicaule. Poppies containing opiMapleMaple-Acer rubrum, Trident maple,Nomura Kaede,Acer platanoides,Mono maple,Acer aidzuense,Acer pycnanthum,Maple tree,Palmate maple,Acer palmatum 'sango-kaku',Acer Ornatum,Acer 'Crimson King'.