List of sasanquas

What is Camellia sasanqua?
Camellia sasanqua (scientific name: Camellia sasanqua) is an evergreen, broad-leaved, medium-sized tree in the family Camelliaceae.
It is similar to the camellia (scientific name: Camellia japonica) because it belongs to the family Camelliaceae.
In Japan, it grows wild in the mountains of Honshu Yamaguchi Prefecture and southwards, Shikoku, Kyushu, and Okinawa. It is a valuable flower that blooms in winter when other flowers do not.
The Japanese native species is white, but there are also peach and red varieties in the garden. It is said that there are 300 species, including both native and garden varieties.
The genus name "Camellia" is a dedication to the Czech botanist Georg Joseph "Kamel," and the species name "sasanqua" is derived from the Japanese word The species name "sasanqua" is derived from the Japanese word "sasanqua.