february-white-flowers ポスト February white-flowers Related pages Special featurs:Februaru White FlowersGerberaGerbera (scientific name: Gerbera Hybrids) is native to South Africa and is semi-cold-resistant perennial of Gerbera spp. Made mainly by Barberton daisy (scientific name:Gerbera jamesonii) , crosses aAtamizakuraAtami-zakura (scientific name: Prunus kanzakura) is a deciduous tree "Kanzakura" of the family Rosaceae in the Atami region that blooms from January to February. It makes pink to light crimson-colloregarden stockGarden stock or hoary stock (Scientific name: Matthiola incana) is native Southern Europe, it is a cold-resistant annual grass of Brassica family. Leaves are slender and growing-like ones grow. SpikelCyclamenCyclamen , scientific name:Cyclamen persicum, is a half-hardy bulbous plant of the Primulaceae family native to the Mediterranean. Leaves on long petioles and form has a heart-shaped leaves. Leaves arStellaria neglectaStellaria media, chickweed , starwort, stitchwort (scientific name: Stellaria neglecta) is a perennial wild grass in the family Caryophyllaceae native to the world. In spring, the flowering infloresceHelleborus nigerHellebore Niguel (Helleborus niger) is Evergreen perennial of the Buttercup, Department of Helleborus. Says Christmas rose which blooms only at Christmas time. What looks like a flower's calyx, has a Xyphidium caeruleumXyphidium caeruleum (scientific name: Xiphidium caeruleumb) is native to tropical America, and is a perennial plant in the family Haemodoraceae. In the place of origin, it grows naturally on the lowlaCamellia 'Hatsu Hikari'Camellia 'Hatsu Hikari', known as Sasanqua 'Hatsu Hikari' (scientific name: Camellia sasanqua 'Hatsu hikari'), is a Japanese evergreen medium to dwarf shrub of the Camellia family (Theaceae) within thFillichiraghi (variegated Holly)Cultivars of osmanthus osmanthus genus Holly species Evergreen small trees "Holly" is fillichiraghi (:Osmanthus scientific name heterophyllus ' Variegatus') and leaves the white group is entered. East Cattleya trianae|Colombia's national flowerCattleya trianae (scientific name: Cattleya trianae) is a non cold-tolerant perennial epiphytic orchid of the genus Cattleya in the family Orchidaceae, native to Colombia, and was selected as the natiMarguerite 'White moon'Marguerite 'White moon' (Scientific name: Argyranthemum frutescens 'White moon') is a perennial of the Asteraceae family, a garden cultivar crossing closely related species with Marguerite (scientificNarcissus chinensisNarcissus chinensis (scientific name: Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis) is a cold-resistant perennial (bulb plant) of the Narcissus genus Amaryllidaceae, native to the Mediterranean coast of Spain andPolystachya neobenthamiaPolystakia neobensamia (scientific name: Polystachya neobenthamia) is native to Tanzania and is a geological orchid of the family Orchidaceae. From winter to spring, white small flowers with long florGarden pansy 'Morpho'Pansy Morpho (Scientific name: Viola × wittrockiana "Morpho") is one of the gardening varieties of northern European native gardening varieties of the family Violaceae cold-resistant annual plants GaCoelogyne mooreanaCoelogyne mooreana (scientific name: Coelogyne mooreana) is an ever green perennial plant of the family Orchidaceae, which is native to Vietnam. The Coelogyne family is an established orchid native toCym.'Sweet Melody'Cym.'Sweet Melody' (Scientific name: Cymbidium Lovely Smile 'Sweet Melody') is an evergreen perennial cultivar of the Orchidaceae family, registered in 2001 as a gradient variety of Seaside x Lovely AAlyssumSweet Alyssum Super Alyssum 'Snow princess' (scientific name: Lobularia hybrid) is a garden variety of Alyssum (scientific name: Lobularia maritima). The flowers are white like snow and have a sweet fCamellia granthamianaGrantham Camellia (Scientific Name: Camellia granthamiana) is an evergreen small tree of the genus Camellia in the family Theaceae, endemic to Hong Kong. In Chinese, it is also known as "大苞山茶" (Dà bāoCamellia yuhsienensisCamellia yuhsienensis ( Scientific Name: Camellia yuhsienensis) is a native of Hunan Province, China and is a species of Chinese camellia. It is cultivated commercially for oil extraction. Camellia. B Cymbidium sara jean cv. ice cascadeCymbidium Sara Jean 'Ice Cascade' (Cymbidium sara jean cv. ice cascade) is native to tropical Asia and is a small orchid in the family Orchidaceae. From winter to spring, bloom tufted white flowers. Eucharis lilyEucharis lily (Scientific name:Eucharis × grandiflora ) is a perennial grass of the Amaryllidaceae family, Eucharis genus native to Amazon River upstream of Colombia (Andes) . It lets several funnel-fLoquatLoquat , or Biwa (Scrub, Scientific name: Eriobotrya japonica) is native to China and is an evergreen tall tree of the the Rosaceae. It is said that growth is slow, "Peach and chestnut take three yPitangaPitanga (scientific name:Eugenia uniflora) is the fruit of the tropical evergreen shrub of the family Myrtaceae native to Brazil. Self-compatibility in bore fruit in the trees. Just one long pistil frDendrochilum cobbianumDendrochilum cobbianum (scientific name: Dendrochilum cobbianum) is indigenous to the Philippines small epiphytic orchids of the family Orchidaceae from excised shoots from the left two columns with pYucca treculeanaYucca treculeana ,, also known as Spanish dagger or Trecul yucca, is native to the southern parts of Texas, USA, and northeastern Mexico. It belongs to the family Asparagaceae and is an evergreen shruLeptotes bicolorLeptotes bicolor, scientific name: Leptotes bicolor, is originally from South America and is an epiphytism orchid of the Orchidaceae. In the close relation of the cattleya, there is a creeping stem orClematis cirrhosa 'Jingle Bells' Clematis cirrhosa 'Jingle Bells' is a cold-hardy, evergreen, winter-flowering horticultural variety of the Clematis genus in the Ranunculaceae family. It is a member of the cirrhosa group. It was bredWhite powder puffWhite Powder Puff (Scientific name: Calliandra haematocephala 'Alba') is a gardening variety of tropical evergreen shrubs of the family Fabaceae. White flowers like hemispherical cosmetic puffs bloom.Lyacaste skinneri|National Flower of the Republic of GuatemalaLyacaste skinneri ,commonly called Monja Blanca (scientific name: Lyacaste skinneri var. alba) is a deciduous perennial herb native to Guatemala, Mexico, El Salvador, and Honduras in the genus Lycaste Snowflake euphorbiaSnowflake euphorbia , scientific name:Euphorbia leucocephala is an evergreen shrub of the Euphorbiaceae department,of the Euphorbia genus native to Mexico- and El Salvador. Good branching. From late Camellia ShirayukiCamellia Shirayuki, scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Shirayuki, Camellia cultivars , white in some red vertical stripe, medium size(flower diamter:7~9cm), single-petaled.Bellis perennisDaisy (scientific name:Bellis perennis) is annual plant of cold resistance, the non-heat resistance of the Asteraceae department Bellis genus. It is perennial plant, but is treated as an annual plant Camellia 'Kaga hassaku'Camellia 'Kaga hassaku'(Scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Kaga hassaku) is a camellia cultivar. It is cultivated in Ishikawa Prefecture. White, single-bowl-blooming · middle ring flowers bloom. Fuyazakura Fuyazakura (winter cherry, scientific name:Cerasus × parvifolia 'Fuyu-zakura) is an interspecific hybrid of Oshimazakura and Mamesakura. It is also called Kobazakura (small leaves cherry). It is grownFudan-zakuraFudan zakura (Cerasus ×serrulata 'Fudan-zakura') is a cherry tree with logs in Kanonji temple in Suzuka city. It continues to bloom until October to next May. Flowers are single white and leaf color iGypsophila paniculata Gypsophila paniculata (Shukon-kasumisou, scientific name: Gypsophila paniculata) is a varieties of "Gypsophila" which ia a cold-resistant perennials of the family Caryophyllaceae native to MediterranOrnithogalum arabicumOrnithogalum arabicum (scientific name: Ornithogalum arabicum) is native to Europe, West Asia and Africa, and is a cold resistant bulb plant of the family Asparagaceae. A white flower with fragrance iPaphiopedilum derenatiPaph. Premium Magic 'East River' is one of the gardening varieties of evergreen perennial "Paphiopedilum" of Orchidaceae. Paphiopedilum is an orchid that looks like a carnivorous plant. This is becRoyal jasmineRoyal jasmine (scientific name: Jasmimum nobile) is a semi cold-resistant vulnerable evergreen shrub of the Oleaceae family native to India, Thailand and China. The vine length will be 2 to 3 m. The Coccoloba uviferaCoccoloba uvifera , commonly called as seagrape, or baygrape, (scientific name: Coccoloba uvifera), is a tropical leafy evergreen small-sized tree in the Polygonaceae native to the tropical America anDelphinium lark spurDelphinium magic fountain (scientific name: Delphinium cv. Magic fountain) is a cold-resistant perennial plant of the family Ranunculaceae, native to Europe and North America. It is an erratum delphinCattleya Marisabel Delas CasasCattleya Marisabel Delas Casas General name: Cattleya Marisabel Delas Casas , scientific name: Cattleya Marisabel Delas Casas, origin:Garden varieties (Latin America's tropical regions, and environAngraecum florurentumAnglegrecum florentum (scientific name: Angraecum florurentum) is endemic to the Comoros and is an epiphytic orchid belonging to the genus Anglegrecum. The flower stalk is extended from the axillary aMarguerite 'Sunday ripple'Marguerite 'Sunday rippl'(scientific name: Argyranthemum frutescens' Sunday ripple') is a horticultural variety (originating in the Canary Islands) in Shizuoka Prefecture. It is a white, single flowerChrysanthemum japonense 'Ashizuri nojigiku'Chrysanthemum japonense 'Ashizuri nojigiku' (scientific name: Chrysanthemum japonense var. ashizuriense) is a cold-hardy evergreen perennial in the family Asteraceae, endemic to Japan. It is a varietyCattleya Cornelia 'Alba' Cattleya Cornelia 'Alba' (scientific name: C. Cornelia fma.alba) was bred by crossing Cattleya labiata (C. labiata) and Cattleya pumila (C. pumila). Here, now C. Lelia → Cattleya. Cornelia was formerlCymbidium Urara ‘Nana’Cymbidium Urara 'Nana' (scientific name: Cymbidium Urara 'Nana') is a garden variety of Cymbidium (scientific name: Cymbidium) which are evergreen perennials in the genus Cymbidium in the orchid famNarcissus poeticusNarcissus poeticus, poet's daffodil or poet's narcissus (Scientific name: Narcissus poeticus) is one of the cold-resistant {{daffodil}} (scientific name: Narcissus) bulbs of the genus Narcissus, which Narcissus Narcissus or daffodil (scientific name: Narcissus) is a hardy bulbs of the department Amaryllidaceae of Narcissus genus. The winter-spring to a trumpet-shaped flowers bloom. Was a narcissus scientifi Camellia sasanqua Spring sasanqua 'Umegaka'Camellia sasanqua Spring sasanqua 'Umegaka' (scientific name: Camellia x vernalis 'Umegaka') is an interspecific hybrid created by natural crossing between the evergreen broad-leaved medium shrub "CamSnow dropSnow drop (scientific name: Galanthus nivalis) is a native of Europe to West Asia and is a bulb plant of the family Amaryllidaceae. It is known as 'Spring Ephemeral 'which blooms from early winter toBikkia palauensisBikkia palauensis (Scientific name: Bikkia palauensis), also called Rur or Palau gardenia, is a shrub in the family Rubiaceae (gardenia) endemic to Bikkiau in western Micronesia. It is found only in PNeuwiedia borneensisNeuwiedia borneensis (scientific name: Neuwiedia borneensis) is a perennial orchid native to Kalimantan (Borneo). It is the oldest orchid in the world, having appeared 90 to 80 million years ago durinKanzaki OhshimaKanzaki Ohshima (Scientific name: Cerasus speciosa cv, Kanzaki-ohshima ), is an early flowering selection variety of Oshima cherry. The flowers have fragrance in a large five-petaled white flowers, aPrunus mume 'Choju'Prunus mume 'Choju'(scientific name: Prunus mume 'Choju') is a variety of plum, white petals, double, medium-sized, early flowering, reddish purple sepals, long stamens. The trunk is thick, but the brCamellia Alba PlenaCamellia Alba Plena, scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Alba Plena, is a Camellia cultivars. Common name: Camellia Alba plena, scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Alba Plena, Camellia gardenAlyssumAlyssum (scientific name: Lobularia maritima) is a crawling and half hardy annual grass of the Brassica family Robbalia native to Mediterranean coastalof small four flower florists gather and cover thCattleyaCattleya (scientific name: Cattleya) is a nonchill-tolerant perennial herbaceous column native to Central and South America, in the genus Cattleya of the family Orchidaceae. In its native region, it gCamellia “Shiratama"Camellia “Shiratama", (scientific name: Camellia japonica 'Shiratama') is a cultivar of camellia. It is white, single, medium circle (flower diameter 4-6 cm), round buds, and blooms from October to Ma Chrysanthemum-North PoleChrysanthemum north pole , Scientific name; Chrysanthemum north pole, is a cold-resistant dwarf grass of the genus Chrysanthemum native to Algeria in Africa. The flowering period is long, and a smallPeristeria elataPeristeria elata (scientific name: Peristeria_elata), native to Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, and Ecuador, is a deciduous perennial plant in the genus Peristeria of the orchid family. it waStellaria aquaticaStellaria aquatica (scientific name: Stellaria aquatica) is a native of Eurasia and North Africa etc., and is a perennial wildflower in the family Caryophyllaceae, genus Stellaria. The plant grows to Gardenia speciosaGuettarda speciosa, sea randa, zebra wood, Haterumagiri (scientific name: Guettarda speciosa) is a tropical evergreen shrub in the genus Guettarda of the family Rubiaceae, native to the Yaeyama IslandPaphiopedilum 'spicerianum' Paphiopedilum spicerianum is native to Burma and Assam and is the original species of spicerianum.It has a single unique flower about 7 cm in diameter. The pseudocoramus (column) in the center, which Stock 'Baby siries'Stock 'Baby Series' (scientific name: Matthiola incana 'Baby siries') is a dwarf horticultural annual grass variety of Stock (scientific name: Matthiola incana), a cold-resistant annual herb of the geAmmobiumAmmobium (scientific name: Ammobium alatum), native to southeastern Australia, is a semi-cold hardy annual grass in the genus Ammobium in the Asteraceae family. It is also known by its Japanese name,C.japonica 'White Ball'Camellia japonica 'White Ball' (Camellia japonica 'White Ball') is a white, single-petaled, tubular to trumpet-shaped flower with tubular stamens, very small flowers, and several flowers clustered at C. sasanqua 'Himeshiragiku'Sasanqua 'Himeshiragiku' (scientific name: Camellia X hiemalis 'Himeshiragiku') is a species endemic to Japan. Camellia sasanqua, Camellia japonica group - white, November to March, double-petaled, smC. sasanqua 'Fuji no mine'Camellia sasanqua 'Fuji no mine' (scientific name: Camellia sasanqua 'Fuji no mine') is a species endemic to Japan. It is a member of the Camellia sasanqua group, a horticultural variety of the evergr Prunus mume 'Hakutaka'Prunus mume 'Hakutaka' (scientific name: Prunus mume cv. Hakutaka) is an early-flowering variety that blooms from mid-January to late February with large, single, white flowers. Flower diameter: 3.4 Camellia japonica 'Coronation'Camellia japonica 'Coronation' (scientific name: Camellia japonica 'Coronation') is an evergreen shrub of the family Camelliaceae, bred in the United States. The tree is 2.5 m tall and has glossy leavCamellia japonica 'Coronation'Camellia masterpiece (scientific name: Camellia japonica 'Masterpiece') was registered in 1950 by Harvey F. Short of Ramona, California, USA, as a mutation of 'Gauntlettii'. It was registered in the UIzayoi zakuraIzayoi zakura (scientific name: Cerasus jamasakuraa 'Izayoi zakura', synonyms: Prunus jamasakura 'Izayoi zakura') is an early-blooming garden variety of the Cerasus jamasakura(yamazakura, mountain cheAzaleaAzalea (scientific name: Rhododendron simsii) is a semi cold-resistant evergreen shrub of Tetraceae Azalea bred in Belgium, born in Taiwan. For a long period of autumn to the next spring, white, pink, Narcissus Narcissus or daffodil (scientific name: Narcissus) is a hardy bulbs of the department Amaryllidaceae of Narcissus genus. The winter-spring to a trumpet-shaped flowers bloom. Was a narcissus scientifiCamellia Bungochibori Camellia Bungochibori , scientific name: Camellia japonica cv. Bungoshibori, Camellia cultivars , white to pink variegation, small to medium size(flower diamter:4~9cm), single-petaled, tube agglutinatErica formosaErica formosa((scientific name: Erica formosa) is a small, cold- and non-hothardy evergreen shrub of the genus Erica in the family Ericaceae native to the Cape Province of South Africa. The leaves areCallaCalla , scientific name: Zantedeschina Hybrids, is a hardy perennials plant of the Araceae geneus Zantedeschina native to South Africa. A flower-centered yellow part attracts florets and generates aGarden strawberryGarden strawberry(学名: Fragaria × ananassa), known in Japanese as "Ichigo" (苺), belong to the genus Fragaria in the family Rosaceae. They are evergreen perennials and are hybrids of Fragaria and ananas CymbidiumCymbidium (scientific name: Cymbidium sp.) is native to Southeast Asia such as Nepal, India, Thailand, East Asia such as China. It is an evergreen perennial of the family Orchidaceae. Japanese cymbidIzayoi zakuraIzayoi zakura (scientific name: Prunus jamasakura cv. Hiemalis) is one of the horticultural varieties ofPrunus jamasakura(Yamazakura、scientific name: Prunus jamasakura). It is an early blooming cherryTriplaris cumingianaTriplaris cumingiana, Ant tree, Long John, Mulato tree(Triplaris cumingiana) is a tall evergreen tree of the genus Triplaris of the family Polygonaceae, native to Costa Rica and Ecuador in tropical PaphiopedilumPaphiopedilum (scientific name: Paphiopedilum Hybrids) is native to Southeast Asia and is a non-cold tolerant evergreen perennial plant belonging to the family Orchidaceae. It is a semi-growth orchid,Garden pansyGarden pansy , scientific name:Viola×wittrockiana , is a garden variety and is hardy annual grass of the department Violaceae , of Viola genus in bloomong the sunny streets, parks and other locations.Florist's CinerariaCineraria or Florist's Cineraria (Scientific name: Pericallis × Hybrida) is non-cold-resistant perennial of family Asteraceae. Leaves are heart shaped. Flowers will continue to bloom for a long time fCamellia japonicaCamellia japonica or Tsubaki (scientific name: Camellia japonica) is theaceae evergreen tree native to Japan. Flowers are grown from the Edo period in many horticultural varieties. Flowers from the neEucharis × grandifloraEucharis grandiflora (scientific name: Eucharis × grandflora) is native to western Colombia and western Ecuador (Andes mountains in the upper stream of the Amazon River) and is a non-cold-resistant evOshima-zakuraOshima-zakura (scientific name: Cerasus speciosa) in Japanese (Scientific name: Cerasus speciosa) is a species of deciduous broad-leaved "cherry" tree in the family Rosaceae. It is an island form of tPoinsettiaPoinsettia or commonly called as Christmas Flower (Scientific name: Euphorbia pulcherrima) is native to Mexico and is an evergreen shrub of the Euphorbiaceae family. It is Christmas flower to greet th Moth orchidMoth orchid or Phalaenopsis aphrodite ( scientific name: Phalaenopsis aphrodite) is native to the tropical region of Southeast Asia such as the Papua New Guinea,Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, etc. Erica darleyensisErica darleyensis (scientific name: Erica × darleyensis) is a gardening variety of the cold-resistant evergreen shrub "Erica" of the Ericaceae family. This species is a garden cultivar breeded by E. cHyacinthHyacinth (scientific name: Hyacinthus orientalis) is native to the Mediterranean coast and is a cold-resistant bulb plant of the Asparagaceae. It is a plant that is relatively easy to cultivate. Like Chrysanthemum morifoliumA list of species of chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum morifolium) is shown in the "Special Feature: Chrysanthemums" section. Chrysanthemum morifolium or Florist's daisym, scientific name:Chrysanthemum moDendrobiumDendrobium (Scientific name: Dendrobium spp.) is evergreen perennial of the family Orchidaceae. It is not as expensive as a moth orchid (Phalaenopsis), it is an everyday flower. Leaves are not as longAnthuriumAnthurium (scientific name:Anthurium andraeanum) is a non-hardy perennials of the taro Department Anthurium. It is flower looks like artificial flowers Flower (actually bracts colors) is is rich in reLemonLemon (scientific name: Citrus limon) is an evergreen shrub native to Himalayan and belonging to the family Rutaceae. In the four seasons, it adds a large number of white five petals with aroma with sUmeUme or Japanese apricot , scientific name: Prunus mume , is deciduous small tree of the department Rosaceae Prunus genus native to China. Before the open leaf shoots in early spring, fragrant flower bPrimula polyanthaPrimula polyantha (Scientific name: Primula polyantha) is a gardening variety of the family Primulaceae. It is a cross between Primula beris and Primula vulgaris (Primrose), and is a breed of primroseAlstroemeriaAlstroemeria (scientific name: Alstroemeria L.) is a cold resistant bulb plant of the family Aristolomeria of the family Yurizuensen that grows naturally in the cold district of the Andean South Ameri Coral plantCoral plant (scientific name: Russelia equisetiformis) is native to Mexico and is a non-cold-resistant evergreen shrub of the family Plantaginaceae. From a long and narrow stalk similar to common hors Other Featuresjuly yellow flowersjuly yellow flowersFeatured RosesFeatured Roses The rose is a plant that even people who are not interested in flowers know only by name. It is a small shrub in the rose family. However, it is called the "Queen of Flowers" for itsOenotheraOenothera family-relationshipsFor family relationships, flowers with Japanese names such as father, mother, and brother were collected.love heart (plant)Love Heart (Plants) - We have selected plants with lovely heart-shaped leaves and flowers (bracts), and plants with hot flower names. Please keep them close to you and soak up the happiness.Feature: Pink Flowers part.1 in July We have gathered pink flowers that bloom in July. Although these flowers appear pink to the human eye, what color do they appear to bees, the creatures that flowers most want to attract? Bees and